Address: 624 State Park Road, Mountain Rest SC
Check in time campsites: 2pm
Cabin check in: 4pm
Be sure to coordinate and prepare your meals throughout the weekend ahead of time.
Upon arriving at the park go directly to your campsite. You can pick up your parking passes from either Ben or Sara
Sunday morning we will have service at 9am at campsite #13. Since campsite check out is noon, we'll have plenty of time to breakdown camp afterwards. If you are in a cabin you will need to clean out fo your cabin BEFORE the worship service since cabin check out time is 10am.
Please check out Oconee State Park's WEBSITE to find hiking trails and other activities at the park
Friday: Check in and setup, relax and enjoy the evening
Saturday: Eat, rest, play, hike
Sunday: 9 am Worship service on campsite #13
Friday: Clear and sunny 71/44
Saturday: Clear and sunny 77/49
Sunday: Clear and sunny. 81/56
Call or text Keith: 850-570-1709