Please check back often as we update this resource with presentations, additional readings and other helpful items as we progress through the fall.
Listen to all the lessons online: What did HE mean? online lessons
Sunday Slide Show: The Gospel of the Kingdom
Midweek Slide Show: Kingdom Gospel Midweek
Bible Project Video: The Gospel
Article: "How does the disciple live?"
Sunday Slides: Born Again
Sunday Slides: The Great Commissions
Sunday Slides: Now What?
Article: Confession & Repentance
30 for 30 Guide: Feeding on Him
Book Suggestion: How to NOT read the Bible
Sunday Slides: How do we do this?
Book recommendation: Asking Better Questions of the Bible
Resources for a better bible study: Studylight.org
Video: "What is the Bible?"
Video: "The Story of the Bible"
Sunday Slides: Jesus & His Great Curriculum: Matthew 5
Midweek 11.02.23: Lost & Found
Article: "Practicing the Sermon on the Mount"
Podcast: Bible Project: "Sermon on the Mount"
Sunday Slides: The Holy Spirit: Complete Slide Show
Video: What is the Holy Spirit?