Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. -Mt 4:1
Why would The Spirit do this?
-What is ahead is a battle not a vacation
-To get past things we must go through them
-Builds trust in God
-We’ve gotta learn to use the weapons we have
-Adversity and trials can wake us up to reality
Common questions we can ask ourselves:
· Are you wondering why certain times can be difficult?
· Doesn’t God want my life to be easier?
· I’m not strong enough to endure this.
· I’m tired of facing fears, I feel like it doesn’t stop
Adversity builds
· Endurance
· Resilience
· Perseverance
“I’m not strong enough”
· True!
· We aren’t strong enough on our own, we must attack trials the same way Jesus did
He handled the word of God with DEEP CONVICTION not just head knowledge
Do what Jesus did:
Exercise for today
What are the fearful, false thoughts Satan is tempting you with?
Find a corresponding section of scripture to meditate on..
Train ourselves with the terminology: IT IS WRITTEN!